
Music Composer and Artist Nhoah released a New Track ‘The Golden Glow/ Der Goldene Ball’

Prolific Berlin-based DJ NHOAH is continuing his extensive output with ‘The Golden Glow/ Der Goldene Ball.’ His previous releases included Abstellgleis as well as Abstellgleis zu Remixen and 120 Red Skies zu Remixen, both featuring outstanding remixes from the likes of 808 State, µ-Ziq, Pixelord, Peter Zirbs and Mieko Suzuki. His album West Berlin will be released next month, much to the delight of his loyal fan-base.

‘The Golden Glow/ Der Goldene Ball’ has been described as “a lively shimmering expedition through astral planes” and features delicate female vocals set against strong percussion. NHOAH’s ability to convey atmoshere through music is unrivalled, and once again he proves his versatility with ‘The Golden Glow/ Der Goldene Ball.’

Citing influence for the track from Orgy, a poem by expressionist Else Lasker-Schüler, the following verse offers insight into the track; “…We played with the most blessed bliss, with the fruits of a heavenly May, and in the wild gold of your tangled hair my deep desire sang out, a cry, like the cry of a black jungle bird. And young skies came tumbling down, unhoped-for, wild-sweet scents; we tore our covers off and screamed!.. And our love exulted in song, two wild symphonies!”

Listen to ‘The Golden Glow/ Der Goldene Ball’ below:

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