ALOK, K1LO, MadGuss and Reinier Zonneveld Release New Single ‘Just Wanna Dance’

Coming to you with a brand new single from three huge Brazilian producers and a Dutch techno titan… on Jan 17th ALOK, K1LO, MadGuss and Filth on Acid label boss Reinier Zonneveld release ‘Just Wanna Dance’. 

Widely regarded as one of the most influential Brazilian artists of all time, Alok is a bonafide dance music A-lister, holding the title of the second biggest Instagram following of any electronic artist globally, with over 26 million fans and 28 million monthly listeners. Filth on Acid founder Reinier Zonneveld is a new schoolyard techno, rave and acid leader. His live sets and label have very much defined the revolution in recent years and he continually puts out electric cuts both solo and in collaboration with a range of like-minded peers. He does that again here with his trio of Brazilian talents – Alok, being joined by K1LO and MadGuss

‘Just Wanna Dance’ is a dark, slamming peak-time techno track with driving kicks. The synths are raw and strobe-lit, while sweeping pads and saw tooth leads add gritty texture. Throw in trance-like breakdowns and flashing acid motifs and you have a monstrous track capable of destroying the club. 

Stream ‘Just Wanna Dance’ Below:

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